BBW Admire


63 - Straight

Norfolk, United Kingdom

Mar 29, 2019 00:22

The captain, though perplexed, adept at making the best of unlikely situations quickly came to grips with the fact that he was indeed no longer in the eighteenth century.

However disorientating time travel may be, his focus was exponentially heightened towards resolving his immediate predicament of being found stark naked inside a large wooden box by a founder member of the Farnsworth amateur theatrical society.
Umm, mornin madam, you don't I suppose appen to av any old clothes around that you aren't in urgent need of. Synchronicity seemed to play a pre-ordained part in that they were in the throes of a dress rehearsal of the pirates of Penzance, and in her hands at that very moment was the outfit destined for Blackbeard himself.
Not to be phased the well rounded lady held a crisp linen shirt up to the hapless adventurer. Try this for size, she said kindly, while thinking to herself, this gets a lot of formalities out of the way. He was temporarily speechless as gratefully accepted the garment from the vision of beauty................



Age: 18 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 57 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 49 / straight

United Kingdom